Sarkar Office Japan KK

Sarkar Office Japan KK

Management Consulting & Administrative Legal Services
Japan "One-Stop Solution" Since 1993
Branch office, KK, GK, Company Registration, Tax, Social Insurance, etc.

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Japan Branch Office, Company (Subsidiary company, Kabushiki Kaisha, KK, Godo Kaisha, GK) Registration, incorporation and formation, post-registration statutory services Tax, Social Insurance, Payroll, etc.

Japan "One-Stop Solution" "Since 1993"

Japan Branch, Company Incorporation, Registration, Formation

Sarkar Office Japan KK has been providing "One Stop Japan Market-Entry Solution" to foreign co. & entrepreneur since 1993.

サーカーオフィス(SARKAR OFFICE®)は1993年に設立したビジネスコンサルティング会社です。サーカーオフィスは、日本におけるビジネス設立を望む外国企業のための“ビジネス&法務事務サービス”。

Opening a Japanese Company Without Resident Shareholder/Director

Japan Co incorporation & post-incorporation administrative & operational support

Setting up a Representative Office in Japan

Japan Branch Office Formation, Registration of a branch office in Japan

Setting up a Subsidiary Company in Japan, Establishing a domestic company in Japan

Japan Branch Office - The Steps and Procedure re Closing a Branch Office in Japan

Japan Kabushiki-Kaisha [KK] (joint-stock corporations) Formation Steps & Flow Chart

Japan Godo-Kaisha [GK] (Limited Liability Co] LLC Formation Steps and procedure Flow Chart

Opening of a Corporate Bank Account in Japan, Procedures, Requirements & Time-frame



Copyright - Sarkar Office Japan KK

Bridging Consulting Services - Sarkar Office - Clients - Sectors - Type of Industries

"India Market Entry Consulting Services for Japanese Companies"

Sarkar Office Japan KK has been providing “India Business Support Service” since 2006~07 with the main focus to bridge the gap between Japan and India businesses and vice versa. Providing “Bridging Consulting Services” to Japanese Companies willing to do business in or with India.

Japan One Stop Incorporation Solution - Sarkar Office®


Sarkar Office Japan 株式会社(SARKAR OFFICE®)は1993年に設立された経営管理コンサルティングおよび法務事務サービス会社です。サーカオフィスは、06-07年からインド向けサービスを開始しました。

Since 1995 has been providing "Consulting Services" Marketing, Management and Bridging Consulting services. However, the founding Director has over three decades of experience. Since 2006~2007, we have been involved in India market entry Consulting service for Japanese co., focusing on "Act as a Bridging Consultant" in the target market.

サーカーオフィス(SARKAR OFFICE®)は、2006〜2007よりインドにおける業務を開始致しました。インド最大の商業都市であるムンバイにキャンプオフィスを構え、日本企業のインド進出を現地事務所としてサポートしております。インドにおけるビジネスなら、刻々と変化・成長を続けるインド市場に精通した弊社のブリッジングコンサルタントにお任せ下さい。

Bridging, Marketing, Management Consulting Services & hands-on support

Bridging partner for Japanese co. for India business!





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Japan Incorporation, Statutory Services

Japan Incorporation Sample Documents

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