Sarkar Office Japan KK

Sarkar Office Japan KK

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Kabushiki Kaisha registration in Japan

Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) - Joint-Stock Corporation Registration, Incorporation, Formation

Kabushiki Kaisha (KK)[Joint-Stock Corporation] Registration, Incorporation, Formation. Setting up a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) in Japan. Opening up a legal entity (KK) and business presence in Japan.

A Kabushiki Kaisha, commonly abbreviated KK, is defined under the “Companies Act of Japan.” A KK Company must include in Kanji KK ("株式会社") in its name either as a prefix (i.e., in Japanese “mae-kabu”) or suffix (i.e., in Japanese “ato-kabu”). The term KK is often referred to in English as “Joint-Stock Corporation.” However, as a company name in English, “KK” is used as "Co. Ltd.," "Corporation," and or "Incorporated." Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) company enjoys the preferred status among the Japanese business community.

Japan "One-Stop Solution" "Since 1993"

KK registration without Japan Resident

A Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) under the “Companies Act of Japan” after the amendment in May-2006 it can be registered with a capital of 1(one) yen and with only one Investor/Promotor/Executive as “Shareholder and Director.” In the case of incorporating a KK with 2(two) or more Directors, it can choose a “Representative Director(s).” KK Company name can be registered in the English alphabet, i.e., “ABC Consulting KK” (ABC Consulting 株式会社) or “KK ABC Consulting”(株式会社 ABC Consulting) except for the “KK” in kanji character ("株式会社").

A Kabushiki-Kaisha(KK)/Joint-Stock Corporation can be incorporated in Japan without a "Local Resident in Japan" (Resident Promoter, Director) under the amendment in the Companies Act introduced in March-2015. Only a Japan address is necessary for a KK registration/ incorporation in Japan.

Kabushiki Kaisha (KK)/Joint Stock CorporationIncorporation, Registration, Formation Services

Japan Company Formation [Business & legal-entity establishment in Japan]

Japan One-Stop Incorporation Services - Sarkar Office®

Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) Registration: A foreign individual and or a company can incorporate a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK), and under the amendment in the Companies Act introduced in March-2015, registration of a KK company in Japan is possible without a “Local Resident in Japan.” KK incorporation in Japan is possible with Non-Resident “Shareholder(s)” and “Director(s).”   

A foreign company or entrepreneurs can establish a Japanese company Kabushiki-Kaisha(KK)/Joint-Stock Corporation in Japan without a "Local Resident in Japan" (Resident Promoter, Director) under the amendment in the Companies Act introduced in March-2015.

The tax structure is the same for KK and other legal entities in Japan, such as GK. On the other hand, a KK company in Japan enjoys a more prestigious status as a legal business entity.  

The features of Kabushiki Kaisha (KK)/Joint Stock Corporation at a glance:

  • Capital:  1(one) yen or more
  • Promoters/Investors: 1(one) or more
  • Corporation as an Promoter/Investor: Possible
  • Liability of Promoters/Investors: Limited to the amount of investment/equity participation
  • Directors / Executive officers: 1(one) or more. In the case of incorporating a KK with 2(two) or more Directors, it can choose a “Representative Director(s).”
  • Legally stipulated term of office of Directors / Executive officers: In KK with capital less than 500 million and without committee [Kabushiki Joto Seigen Kaisha] 2 years in principle and extendable up to 10 years
  • Transfer of share/equity: It can be transferred freely in principle unless stipulated in "Articles of Association" requires the board of directors' approval
  • Resident in Japan: A foreign individual and or a company can incorporate a Kabushiki Kaisha (KK). Under the amendment in the Companies Act introduced in March-2015, registration of a KK company in Japan is possible without a “Local Resident in Japan.” KK registration in Japan is possible with Non-Resident “Shareholder(s)” and “Director(s).”
  • Registered Office: A local address in Japan is required (physical address and not a PO Box)
  • Company Secretary: Not required
  • Yearly Tax Return Filing: Mandatory
  • Yearly Auditing of Accounts: Not mandatory

Time-frame for registration: Depends on the structure of promoters/investors, directors(executive officers), etc. Upon applying to Legal Affairs Bureau for registration, it takes about 2(two) weeks to obtain a company registration certificate.

Kabushiki Kaisha (KK) registration procedures, steps, flowchart, and incorporation timeframe: please refer to the registration flowchart of KK

Kabushiki-Kaiska (KK) verses Godo Kaisha (GK) - Comparison At a Glance

For further information, please contact us by mail. Contact Sarkar Office Japan KK

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